It has been a long time since the last time I wrote on here. I dont know where to begin, but as always, I like to just type and see where my story goes. I am almost finshed on my journey as a college student. I will be getting my BS in Kinesiology this June. I can use the degree to become a PE teacher, but I dont know if that is what I have a passion for. I am working at CED and I know that I can make that my career if I want to. After leading such a great trip this weekend to the Grand Canyon, I realized that I really love taking people outdoors and sharing my passion and knowledge with others. I cant do this at CED really, and I would be frustrated with trying to do so as a teacher. I am excited for a road trip this winter with Jay Wang. I am flying out to North Carolina to drive back to California with him. We are both excited to see what adventure this trip can become. I have come to realize that the best adventures come from the attitudes of the people on the trip. I feel like Jay and I will have a good time hanging out and having a blast driving home.
Married life is different than single life for many of reasons, but Kristen and I are trying to find the balance of letting me do what I really enjoy, and spending time with her and her family. I love her and I love her family, but I also need time to go out and do fun adventous things. I would like it if she came along, but I think she is reluctant to these trips because she has ever been on a trip like it. I will get her to go on one some day, and I hope it is the best trip so she will understand more about what I like to do and why I do it. Until then, it will continue to be a small battle of keeping me home and me trying to get out and see the world.

Well, I have had a lot of time to think about what is going on in my life. To be honest, i didn't come up with much. I finished my semester at Baja Bible in December, and returned back to Riverside. That first month was really weird to adjust back to things here. I didn't have "good" Mexican food at my fingertips the way i did in TJ. I wasnt surrounded by people who actually talk about God every day. I really do miss the people there, but i am still connected with most of them. I returned to BBS in January to attend their Perspectives class for 3 weeks. The class was really powerful. I learned a lot about being a missionary and church planting. I really have a passion of being more tactical in the was we(Christians) do missions.
After i returned home again, i started back at RCC where i took 3 classes(almost done). I still make trips down to see my friends down there but i havent been since the first week in April.
A really cool opportunity i have with BBS is to work for them as a volunteer at summer camps in California. Rory Andrew and i will be going to different camps helping out wherever they need us. Im pretty sure the point is to share how BBS opened our eyes to different things. One thing i really would like to do with the guys is road trip up to cannon beach oregon to see Mike and Jason(BBS speakers). I have heard all sorts of things about cannon beach and i cant wait to see it some day. these last 2 years, i have made friends all over the U.S. and i even have quite a few friends overseas. Its nice to know that if im ever in a certain place, i can make a phone call and see a friendly face or get advice on what to do. I dont know how to put this in words the way i feel inside, but i am truely blesses by the people i know and have met along the way in my life. I hope that they feel as least half the way i do about meeting me.
I havent written in this forever and i really forgot how much i enjoy writing and recapping what has been going on in my world.
I love you all, even the ones who dont know i have this Blog( and i have told you a million times).
After i returned home again, i started back at RCC where i took 3 classes(almost done). I still make trips down to see my friends down there but i havent been since the first week in April.
A really cool opportunity i have with BBS is to work for them as a volunteer at summer camps in California. Rory Andrew and i will be going to different camps helping out wherever they need us. Im pretty sure the point is to share how BBS opened our eyes to different things. One thing i really would like to do with the guys is road trip up to cannon beach oregon to see Mike and Jason(BBS speakers). I have heard all sorts of things about cannon beach and i cant wait to see it some day. these last 2 years, i have made friends all over the U.S. and i even have quite a few friends overseas. Its nice to know that if im ever in a certain place, i can make a phone call and see a friendly face or get advice on what to do. I dont know how to put this in words the way i feel inside, but i am truely blesses by the people i know and have met along the way in my life. I hope that they feel as least half the way i do about meeting me.
I havent written in this forever and i really forgot how much i enjoy writing and recapping what has been going on in my world.
I love you all, even the ones who dont know i have this Blog( and i have told you a million times).

Well, i have been back in the states for a few weeks now.I am in school at RCC and my brain is already at work. It was news to me how much God or religion is brought up in two of my classes: politics and psychology. We read a paper by Thomas Paine from The Age of Reason. The paper is about his beliefs on religion and God. he states that unless you were the one to see or hear directly from God, everything is hearsay. The point he is making is that if he cant see it, why should he trust the person telling him to believe it. He feels that church was created for money and power, and i would have to say taht in some cases he is correct. But i dont feel this to be true in mpost cases. We are human beings trying to please God and love on one another. People who dont understand Christians call us hypocrites and are rightfully so. Hypocrites are people who are purposely trying to fool others, i dont feel that is what is happening with most people. Humans make mistakes and learn from them most of the time. We need to understand why we do things so taht they become our beliefs and not just something that our friends told us. When we offer advice, we should try to fully explain the reasons why certain things are right or wrong in our eyes. I was reading another paper in my poly sci class and it was pretty much talking about how if we do things because it is our customs, we make no mental choice in our actions. We should really think about why we do things so we can discern things for ourselves. Its like working out, if you dont use a muscle, it become weak.
I dont know if this really makes sense, i just thought i would put my thoughts onto paper. I dont reread what i wrote or try to make it nice and neat, but if you read it, hope it makes a lil sense.
I dont know if this really makes sense, i just thought i would put my thoughts onto paper. I dont reread what i wrote or try to make it nice and neat, but if you read it, hope it makes a lil sense.

this weekend i went back home to Riverside for a concert and a birthday party. the concert was fun and a good time seeing people from my past.
The birthday party was fun too, i had a few deep conversations with some good friends. there was good food there too, i brought my own orange juice because i didnt want to drink soda. i almost drank a whole carton by myself.
tripes home always bring feelings of joy and sometimes can be full of sadness. despite all the good people i saw, i received some bad news about some close friends. i wont go into details, but i had a broken heart for them. I try to see the good out of most, the lesson i think i learned is, we are all in this life battle together, even if we make a tiny impact on someones life, we need to be encouraging and loving to those around us. It also has made me want to hate sin more and more. the sin which causes the pain and suffering in this world. I cant wait for whats next after here.
well, enough about that. This is my last week down here in Mexico, so i shall be home next sat or Sunday.
i am excited because my friend pastor Danny invited me out to lunch with some friends on Friday. we are going to a Brazilian style steakhouse down here in tj. it is going to be a great fun time, and i cant wait.
well, i better get running to class, sorry for all of the typos and bad grammar.
love you all ( even if only 3 people read this thing)
The birthday party was fun too, i had a few deep conversations with some good friends. there was good food there too, i brought my own orange juice because i didnt want to drink soda. i almost drank a whole carton by myself.
tripes home always bring feelings of joy and sometimes can be full of sadness. despite all the good people i saw, i received some bad news about some close friends. i wont go into details, but i had a broken heart for them. I try to see the good out of most, the lesson i think i learned is, we are all in this life battle together, even if we make a tiny impact on someones life, we need to be encouraging and loving to those around us. It also has made me want to hate sin more and more. the sin which causes the pain and suffering in this world. I cant wait for whats next after here.
well, enough about that. This is my last week down here in Mexico, so i shall be home next sat or Sunday.
i am excited because my friend pastor Danny invited me out to lunch with some friends on Friday. we are going to a Brazilian style steakhouse down here in tj. it is going to be a great fun time, and i cant wait.
well, i better get running to class, sorry for all of the typos and bad grammar.
love you all ( even if only 3 people read this thing)

So this week I started the p 90 x work out thing. Man its a tough work out. I was unable to finish the whole chest and back one because my arms were too tired, but today my legs got worked. We took pictures for our before and after pics, but i didn't want to ask anyone for help, so i put the camera on our room ladder and took them of myself. haha. i like p90 x because it doesn't require me to run or really even leave my room, in case of bad weather.
Class has still been going well this week. we were learning about the history of missions and who has been laying the roads for future missionaries. Im still not sure, if its something i will do, but im even more open to it now.
Tomorrow, kelly and i are going to make another attempt at visiting our friend in el nino.

Rain can be good, fun, cool or bad.
we saw a lot of rivers flowing down the streets out here this week and saw lots of destruction.
some cool things rain does is wash teh roads a little, spark new plant life, and make mud so i can get my truck dirty. lol. now its time to wash it.

we saw a lot of rivers flowing down the streets out here this week and saw lots of destruction.
some cool things rain does is wash teh roads a little, spark new plant life, and make mud so i can get my truck dirty. lol. now its time to wash it.

Today Kelly and i decided we were going to go visit our friend Pastor Danny out in the city of El Nino. along the way, Kelly wanted to show me this cool dam near a city called el florido. Along the way to the dam, we off roaded on some of the streets that were asphalt last week, but because of the rain, there was mud covering them.
Finally after driving around the whole city looking for the dam, we stumble upon the street that takes us over it. It was really cool to drive over because the road was super small and when other cars drove by, i held my breath to maybe make our car a little more slim.
After the beautiful drive over the dam, we headed out to el nino. When we got to pastor danny's house, we realized that no one was there. so kelly and i thought for a minute or two about what to do now. so we headed over to his other church. The road to rojo gomez is a dirt one, with a river running across it. The river now over flooded became a lake. a lake that i had to drive across in my old 4 runner. i stop and ponder if i can make it, while kelly keeps urging me to charge it. we notice that there are a few people at the edge of this river/lake and we didnt know what they were up to. i decided that they were there to watch people try and make it through the mud and water and maybe to see someone get stuck and laugh at them.
A van pulls up along side, then make the drive through the lake. He made it, so i figured i could as well. About half way across the lake, the water is splashing over my hood and mud covered my window. we make it across, but only because i did not take my foot off the gas for a second.
no one was at that church either, so we had to make the drive back through all the mud and that river/ lake thing. this time i drove across the deeper side, but i didnt know it was deeper. i didnt think i was goin to make it this time, but some how i did again.
We decided to go visit our friends at caravan ministries in el florido. We got lost trying to find them, but eventually made it to their place safe.
By now kelly and i were tired of driving and off roading and just wanted to make it home. so we headed home and got some tacos along the way at our local taco stand.
Finally after driving around the whole city looking for the dam, we stumble upon the street that takes us over it. It was really cool to drive over because the road was super small and when other cars drove by, i held my breath to maybe make our car a little more slim.
After the beautiful drive over the dam, we headed out to el nino. When we got to pastor danny's house, we realized that no one was there. so kelly and i thought for a minute or two about what to do now. so we headed over to his other church. The road to rojo gomez is a dirt one, with a river running across it. The river now over flooded became a lake. a lake that i had to drive across in my old 4 runner. i stop and ponder if i can make it, while kelly keeps urging me to charge it. we notice that there are a few people at the edge of this river/lake and we didnt know what they were up to. i decided that they were there to watch people try and make it through the mud and water and maybe to see someone get stuck and laugh at them.
A van pulls up along side, then make the drive through the lake. He made it, so i figured i could as well. About half way across the lake, the water is splashing over my hood and mud covered my window. we make it across, but only because i did not take my foot off the gas for a second.
no one was at that church either, so we had to make the drive back through all the mud and that river/ lake thing. this time i drove across the deeper side, but i didnt know it was deeper. i didnt think i was goin to make it this time, but some how i did again.
We decided to go visit our friends at caravan ministries in el florido. We got lost trying to find them, but eventually made it to their place safe.
By now kelly and i were tired of driving and off roading and just wanted to make it home. so we headed home and got some tacos along the way at our local taco stand.