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Posted on 5:25 PM, under

Well, I have had a lot of time to think about what is going on in my life. To be honest, i didn't come up with much. I finished my semester at Baja Bible in December, and returned back to Riverside. That first month was really weird to adjust back to things here. I didn't have "good" Mexican food at my fingertips the way i did in TJ. I wasnt surrounded by people who actually talk about God every day. I really do miss the people there, but i am still connected with most of them. I returned to BBS in January to attend their Perspectives class for 3 weeks. The class was really powerful. I learned a lot about being a missionary and church planting. I really have a passion of being more tactical in the was we(Christians) do missions.
After i returned home again, i started back at RCC where i took 3 classes(almost done). I still make trips down to see my friends down there but i havent been since the first week in April.
A really cool opportunity i have with BBS is to work for them as a volunteer at summer camps in California. Rory Andrew and i will be going to different camps helping out wherever they need us. Im pretty sure the point is to share how BBS opened our eyes to different things. One thing i really would like to do with the guys is road trip up to cannon beach oregon to see Mike and Jason(BBS speakers). I have heard all sorts of things about cannon beach and i cant wait to see it some day. these last 2 years, i have made friends all over the U.S. and i even have quite a few friends overseas. Its nice to know that if im ever in a certain place, i can make a phone call and see a friendly face or get advice on what to do. I dont know how to put this in words the way i feel inside, but i am truely blesses by the people i know and have met along the way in my life. I hope that they feel as least half the way i do about meeting me.
I havent written in this forever and i really forgot how much i enjoy writing and recapping what has been going on in my world.
I love you all, even the ones who dont know i have this Blog( and i have told you a million times).

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