Back to school in USA

Posted on 1:04 PM, under

Well, i have been back in the states for a few weeks now.I am in school at RCC and my brain is already at work. It was news to me how much God or religion is brought up in two of my classes: politics and psychology. We read a paper by Thomas Paine from The Age of Reason. The paper is about his beliefs on religion and God. he states that unless you were the one to see or hear directly from God, everything is hearsay. The point he is making is that if he cant see it, why should he trust the person telling him to believe it. He feels that church was created for money and power, and i would have to say taht in some cases he is correct. But i dont feel this to be true in mpost cases. We are human beings trying to please God and love on one another. People who dont understand Christians call us hypocrites and are rightfully so. Hypocrites are people who are purposely trying to fool others, i dont feel that is what is happening with most people. Humans make mistakes and learn from them most of the time. We need to understand why we do things so taht they become our beliefs and not just something that our friends told us. When we offer advice, we should try to fully explain the reasons why certain things are right or wrong in our eyes. I was reading another paper in my poly sci class and it was pretty much talking about how if we do things because it is our customs, we make no mental choice in our actions. We should really think about why we do things so we can discern things for ourselves. Its like working out, if you dont use a muscle, it become weak.
I dont know if this really makes sense, i just thought i would put my thoughts onto paper. I dont reread what i wrote or try to make it nice and neat, but if you read it, hope it makes a lil sense.

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the weekend

Posted on 8:45 AM, under

this weekend i went back home to Riverside for a concert and a birthday party. the concert was fun and a good time seeing people from my past.
The birthday party was fun too, i had a few deep conversations with some good friends. there was good food there too, i brought my own orange juice because i didnt want to drink soda. i almost drank a whole carton by myself.
tripes home always bring feelings of joy and sometimes can be full of sadness. despite all the good people i saw, i received some bad news about some close friends. i wont go into details, but i had a broken heart for them. I try to see the good out of most, the lesson i think i learned is, we are all in this life battle together, even if we make a tiny impact on someones life, we need to be encouraging and loving to those around us. It also has made me want to hate sin more and more. the sin which causes the pain and suffering in this world. I cant wait for whats next after here.
well, enough about that. This is my last week down here in Mexico, so i shall be home next sat or Sunday.
i am excited because my friend pastor Danny invited me out to lunch with some friends on Friday. we are going to a Brazilian style steakhouse down here in tj. it is going to be a great fun time, and i cant wait.
well, i better get running to class, sorry for all of the typos and bad grammar.
love you all ( even if only 3 people read this thing)

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